Prospect Management

How to export contacts?
The contacts can be download from the Prospects section. The contacts can be exported by clicking Bulk Actions -> Export.  You need to manually selec...
Fri, 22 Feb, 2019 at 6:34 AM
How to use tags in prospects?
You can add Tags to a prospect by clicking on Tags action on prospect screen, where you can add contact to a new tag or to an existing one.  This ...
Fri, 22 Feb, 2019 at 6:37 AM
Is there any other formats to import prospects other than CSV or XLS?
As of now we only support .CSV and .XLS format as they are the most commonly used formats for importing data from a sheet. We are also working on integr...
Thu, 10 Jan, 2019 at 7:15 AM
How are prospect temperatures differentiated?
We have 5 types of prospect temperatures in our dashboard, these temperatures can be differentiated according to the priority of the prospects or their rela...
Thu, 10 Jan, 2019 at 7:18 AM
What are processed prospects?
After prospect is added to a campaign and email has been queued or sent, it is considered a “processed prospect”. We added this segmentation so it’s eas...
Thu, 10 Jan, 2019 at 7:27 AM
How to delete prospects from a group?
We are currently working on better Prospect management, one of the features being advanced Group/List control. We don't have the option right now to del...
Fri, 11 Jan, 2019 at 5:01 AM