The dashboard is the first screen you see when you log in to the product. This gives you a high-level overview of the performance of all your projects/campaigns and you can also drill down and see the performance of individual projects and campaigns.

1. Overall Performance

  • Open rate - This is the average open rate for your emails across your responses.
  • Response rate - This is the average rate of email responses you received.
  • Click rate - This is the average click rate. Sometimes you won't have links included in your outreach emails and sometimes you won't have click tracking enabled, so this figure could be 0%.

There are also filters available so you can filter these stats by project or time.

2.  Training / Education Resources

There's always something new to learn about email outreach and outbound marketing. When we create new training videos we'll make them available here. We'll also link out to our latest 3 blog posts which will all be related to Outbound marketing.

3.  Campaign Breakdown

You can also see individual performance for each of the campaigns, including open rate, response rate, and click rate. You can also take action to either edit the campaign or view detailed progress.