About OutreachPlus

OutreachPlus is the best tool available for spending less time on outreach and getting better results. Waiting around for traffic to arrive to your website is generally not enough to grow you business.  You need to do outbound marketing to grow traffic, leads and generate PR for your busines.  Email is one of the best ways of doing this outreach.

The success of your outreach campaigns depends on setting goals, picking the right audience, and then reaching out to them with something relevant and timely.  And, of course, the more you personalize the emails the better response you will get. Email outreach is a hugely effective tactic to generate leads, links, shares, PR, and to build relationships.

To get the most out of the tool, you'll need to spend some time figuring out how to use it. If you invest a bit of your time, you'll get the results!!

To get started this is what you need to do:

1. Connect your email account
When you register on OutreachPlus, you'll be prompted to connect your email account. This is the email address you want to send your outreach emails from. If you don't connect your email account, you won't be able to send any emails. So that's the first thing to tick off the list if you haven't already. Read this article about setting up your email account.

Note: If you're doing a lot of outreach, we recommend that you set up a separate email address on a separate domain for sending outreach emails.  When you send a lot of outreach there's more likely to be more bounces and more potential issues with spam complaints so it's better if you use a separate domain/email.

Another reason to connect a separate email account (different from your primary account) is that we integrate with your email and try to match every email to a campaign. When you view your inbox in OutreachPlus, you'll see all responses to outreach emails but you'll also see your normal emails. There is a filter you can apply but it's neater if you have one email account just for outreach.

2. Create a project - Only relevant if you have an Agency account

A project is a great way of grouping different outreach campaigns together.  Agencies are more likely to use this if they are managing outreach for multiple clients or multiple websites.

Read here about what a project is about

3.  Build a campaign

A campaign is a way of grouping different types of outreach. For example, here are the default campaign types:

- Build links and authority -  You want to generate links to your content and build the authority of your website (e.g. through guest posting)
- Lead generation - You want more leads for your business. Who doesn't want this?
- Influencer marketing - When you want to reach out to influencers
- Guest posting - You want to reach out to find opportunities to guest post on other sites.
- PR - Use this to reach out to the media to promote your products or services.
- Content promotion - Use this to promote your content, for example, your blog content.
- Account Management - Communicating in a more personalized way with partners, customers etc.
- Other - If any of these campaign types don't work, then you can use the 'other' type.

Read this section on working with campaigns

4.  Processing and tracking results
Once you send out your emails you can track results:

- Inbox - Here you will see the responses to emails you send. We'll try to match up any response you receive with the relevant campaign.  You can read and respond to emails from within the inbox.
- Campaign list/summary - The campaign list screen will show you a list of all campaigns and how they are performing. The campaign summary page will show you information related to this campaign.
- Dashboard -  The dashboard gives you a high-level view of all projects and campaigns.